Introduction To Angular

Posted by Christopher Baptiste on September 21, 2020

Let’s talk about Angular.

For some inspiration, what are some examples of websites and applications built with Angular?

There are over 3,000,000 websites built with Angular. Some examples of websites and web applications built with Angular are the following: Gmail, Forbes, Paypal, and Feel free to go check them out right now to see this awesome framework in action.

What is Angular?

Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular is written in TypeScript. It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.

Why Angular?

There are 5 key features that make Angular a favorite amongst developers:

The Ecosystem

With access to the rich ecosystem, Angular application developers can create powerful applications with advanced functionality and impressive UI/UX thanks to the vast amount of external tools and components to choose from.

MVC Architecture

Angular is built on Model-View-Controller (or MVC) architecture. According to it, the requests from the app go to the controller, where it interacts with a model to prepare data needed for the view. The architecture allows isolation of the app’s logic from the user interface and improves data binding as well as the entire development process.

Dependency Injection

Any app is built on top of a variety of services dependent on each other. Angular helps to inject components, services, and dependencies into the right places, without breaking the app’s logic or damaging any part of it.


Any Angular website is a puzzle consisting of multiple small modules. Each module, in turn, brings together components, services, and directives responsible for a particular piece of functionality. It makes development and debugging easier.

Tool for Progressive Web App and Single-Page App Development

These reasons, combined with detailed documentation, a skilled Angular core team, and many other benefits, make Angular one of the front-runners in a global IT engineering tools race. Stay tuned for the next part where I will go more on depth on this awesome framework.